Positives of owning (or being owned by) a Lapphund
- Personality and looks
- individuality - no two are exactly the same
- the variety of colours available
- cute, cuddly teddy bears
- non obtrusive
- They are sensitive and intuitive. Wonderful companions. Harsh words or training would have a very negative impact.
- so accepting of everything
- absolutely everything
- On tap cuddles, affection & loyalty
- they are awesome and I'll take the destruction to have them
- Attention getting, people meeter - beautiful looking so you meet and talk with lots of admiring people when promenading on the Esplanade
- Their personality! And intelligence, and love
- The positives are that mine can do no wrong.....really he just can't.
- Love their affection, desire to please & love for their family in general
- They are lovely dogs. Very affectionate & intelligence
- Affectionate and joyful
- captivating, intelligence, cunningness (although some would argue this is a negative but I love it, shows thinking by the dog), devotion to their pack, and the fact that every last one of them is adorable from head to tip of the tail and bottoms of their feet!!
- not demanding except for the constant belly rubs
- versatility - couch potato or exercise junky
- Super intelligent, loyal, beautiful markings, cheeky smile all the time, my mum is deaf, Hunter lets her know when the phone rings, has been the easiest dog to toilet train he made 2 mistakes at 8 weeks old, 9 weeks old he had learnt to knock on the do...
- They are stunning and have the most amazing smile, affectionate and hell funny sometimes.
- Their infectious good mood A really happy breed intelligent Soul mate/ best friend Beautiful (obviously)
- their temperament is a real highlight for me - so calm, reliable and friendly
- trainable for whatever you want of them
- smart easy to train affectionate entertaining funny ...
- so calm and patient with children even if they weren't raised in a family environment
- they're such good family dogs.
- lovely for family and children, social for other animals, they like to learn .Lappies are so beautiful and cute and proud
- wonderful with humans and children, gentle, super smart and trainable, athletic, loyal, loving, bum waggles, cuddles, brings love and happiness to the household like no other dog I've owned, loves a job, loves to swim, play ball, frisbee etc but settles down very quietly at night. Likes his pack together. The sheer joy he has and shares. That smile!
- their loyalty and how happy they are to see you all then time, their smile, how smart they are, how athletic they are, how much love they bring to a house hold, their cuddles
- friendliness to other animals and humans - bombproof with kids
- the smarts and trainability of a working dog without the working dog 'crazies' and in a really good looking package LOL! Plus an independent mind and a sense of humour
- fantastic with other dogs in good and bad situations
- Friendly, low or no aggression, intelligent, low shedding as the undercoat needs to be blown or brushed out,
- calmest herding dog ever
- most healthy breed I've come across
- no heavy shedding from the long hair though grooming is needed
- breeder and lappie community support
- Bathing and grooming always been fun, ' bonding' we both love it
- Lapphunds are a spitz breed you will need to show him who is boss. Most Lappies don’t need very much training but others do.
Negatives of owning (or being owned by) a Lapphund
- Addictive – one is never enough
- lack of space on my phone due to the number of lappie pictures!!
- they're little time wasters.
- can be pushy for cuddles when you are busy, how smart they are (need more entertainment or things get broken) and they have a very loud bark
- Grooming
- brushing when the dog doesn't like it, but have learned solution is to brush for very short consecutive sessions
- Big coat attracts burrs and grass seed. You need a good vacuum cleaner for dropped coat, not to mention the sticks, grass and mud brought inside by the pooch. Brushing is a good excuse for bonding. Barks at anything and everything so you need understanding neighbours. A good watch dog. Loves exercise. Hyperactive. No more sleep-ins because exercise needs to take place in the cool of the morning. Super smart but strong-willed. A commitment to training makes for a more harmonious household. If it moves, it should be chased. Be cautious about where you let your dog off-lead. A bit of a rough nut. Loving, loyal but would steal your dinner off the bench. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.
- They do shed quite a bit of fur though
- grooming. And OMG a KANGAROOO!!!!!
- not many. chases cats, possums, rats, horses, Roos, sheep - when locked on its hard to break even with food right under his nose. Loud bark at the door buzzer, over excited loud bark when playing at the park if demanding the ball. But doesn't just bark for no reason or at home. He can be dominant and scrap, but that's him not the breed. Would need the right owner to make sure they get worked/exercised enough to be happy. The fur all over the house and the need for regular grooming, although we love sharing this time together. Picking out grass seeds, farmers friends, burrs every day! Wouldn't trade him for the world!
- can be barkers
- can be pushy for cuddles when you are busy, how smart they are (need more entertainment or things get broken) and they have a very loud bark
- Love them to bits, only negatives I guess are fur (small price to pay) and bark which is more a self conscience thing for disturbing the neighbours as the bark doesn't really phase me anymore.
- talks to much and coat blow and think they know more than you ..lol
- Barking and losing coat ( doesn't bother Me I find grooming therapeutic
- Can be VERY noisy at dinner time
- Ohhhhhh yeah the barking can be quite ear peircing, Sunnys is tolerable but some others that I've heard are just yappy
- Love them to bits, only negatives I guess are fur (small price to pay) and bark which is more a sub conscience thing for disturbing the neighbours as the bark doesn't really phase me anymore.
- selectively deaf when it doesn't suit them
- Noisy and bad recall can be untrustworthy off lead
- untrustworthy off leash, barking at anything they see fit, ie birds, possums, the wind....
- Of their self I love mine so much little negative is that she comes only if she wants to come if she may running lose and I want her back on her leach but she is only 5 ,5 months old so hope she learn this also
- Noisy and bad recall
- determine to ignore and not do as they are asked lol
- Of their self I love mine so much little negative is that she comes only if she wants to come if she may running lose and I want her back on her leach but she is only 5 ,5 months old so hope she learn this also
- They are also excitable, are very vocal, needs to be with someone all the time and couldn't care less about anyone or anything that is in the way of want they want, or maybe that is just mine, he will run through or over you to get to what he wants.
- My 'negatives' would be to do with the herding breed - they love to run, to work, and are very clever so need to be stimulated (not really negatives, but things potential owners should be aware of). They are inclined to bark too - not sure if that's true of the breed, or just our girl?
- Some of them can be very destructive, plastics like swings, buckets, hoses, electrical like washing machine cords, Chargers, shoes etc
- the inability to judge the lappies actual size before purchasing as each breeder has different sized dogs and online pictures aren't very helpful
- when you aren't familiar with the breed or the fact that there is so much support when you get a pup, there needs to be pages where people who are thinking about getting lappies can go to ask questions
- ***Destructiveness when young/bored/are seeking revenge on mum & dad!!!***
- can be diggers